About Us

My name is Kelli Amparan.

 I’m the wife of a supportive and amazing husband and the mother to three boys. I have been a nurse for 18 years, while also helping my husband run our family business, 2CK Concrete. Sounds like a lot right? So what made me open my own business? Well, it’s been a dream of mine for years and when I found out that we were going to be blessed with our granddaughter, you guessed it, Hayzlee Rae, I decided to make that dream become a reality.

 I have been looking into this venture over the last couple of years. I can’t tell you how often I’ve been told “you are nuts”,  “isn’t it going to be to hard while running your family business and your day time job?,” “what if you fail?”. Well… I am a little nuts, it is definitely going to be hard, and I am not going to fail! So, I started Hayzlee Rae’s online on August 25th, 2021 with the support of my amazing husband and family.

 In January 2022, a retail space became available in Elgin OK. With spaces hard to come by, We jumped on the opportunity to open a store front. With some late nights and hard work from my family and friends, we opened our doors April 2, 2022.

 In June/July we met another milestone. We took an enclosed trailer that my hubby donated to us and made it into “Ruby”, our mobile boutique.

 I have always loved the western boutique style of clothes. While raising my boys, I always struggled to find on cute boy clothes. When I decided to start Hayzlee Rae’s I wanted to make sure that we provided our customers with not only western girl clothes, but also western boy clothes! Here at Hayzlee Rae’s, we are a family operated business and we are very big on giving back and supporting our community.

 I want to thank all of our customers who have supported us and have made it possible for us to now be in a store located in Elgin, Oklahoma. We couldn’t of done it without each and every one of you! 🥰